
My name is Serina Wiley, owner of Shop Serene aka Serene Adornments. I lost my parents at the age of 11 & 13. Both my parents were into fashion, but had different styles. My dad was more of an high end type of man, and my mother could mix and match different looks and pieces.

As a little girl I use to lay across the bed and watch her get dressed and always seemed to be in awe. I would always express to her how pretty she looked.  No matter the day I always LOVED to see the confidence my mother held daily. 

Despite my mother’s struggles with drug addiction & being HIV positive. I always admired how my mother was able to express herself through her fashion; and thrilled at how the entire neighborhood loved my mother’s unique style.

Whether  it was just jeans and a blouse, dress or sweats, my mom OWNED every look she attempted. My mom was also known for her free-spirited hair styles and lip color. She’s wore any color lipstick, but my favorite was always to see her in RED. 

I created Serene Adornments in remembrance of her. I was always taught to dress how you feel, all colors match & your personality is the outfit. 
With Serene Adornments I hope to be able to provide a platform where people of all ages, race or identity could find pieces to embrace themselves such as my mom. 

Here at Serene- “We Express all Things with Love & Tranquility”
